Thursday, April 28, 2016

April 28, 2016

Excuse the car picture. We were waiting in line at the pharmacy for Jackson's meds as he has a horrid sinus infection, of course. CLL Update! My neck lymph nodes are MUCH smaller - after just one round of chemo. This is the desired goal, per my oncologist. I am so thankful! 

This week has been much better. I have been able to go back to the normal daily routine, and it feels amazing. You don't realize what all you take for granted until you can't get out of bed due to extreme fatigue and nausea. Dreading next month already...

I got into MD Anderson in Houston, TX next week. We are excited (are we? Excited? Well not really: anxious) for appointments with top leaders in the CLL world. Thank you to my parents for coming to keep Jackson (and our dog, Presley) while we are gone. I will keep you updated as we know more :) 

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