Wednesday, April 20, 2016

April 18, 2016 - treatment plan and first day of chemo

Jack and I met with our oncologist to go over my CT results and bone marrow biopsy. The CT found that there are more abnormally large lymph nodes in my abdomen (where?! I do not understand!) and my hips. The bone marrow biopsy finally did show some elevated white blood cells and other marker signs of CLL.

30% of my bone marrow is affected with CLL. This means we are dealing with a Stage 4 CLL. He was very careful and hesitant about telling me about this staging. He did say the stage is not to reflect "terminal" status like with some acute cancers, [in cancer think: acute = fast growing; chronic = slow growing] but rather the staging tells us how to treat it. He assured me he has treated CLL many times, and even many times in people my age.

He wanted me to begin chemo that day. The chemo regimen I started has a 90% effective rate, which in the oncology world is very, very good. My regimen is a 2-day treatment (one long day, followed by a shorter day) once every month for 6 months. The chemo drug names are: Rituxin and Bendamustine.

We will possibly explore second opinions, but for now we just wanted to get it all going.

Day one was long, exhausting, and just overall not comfortable - but I get by with a little help from my friends.

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