Wednesday, April 20, 2016

April 19, 2016 - Day 2 of Chemo, 1st round

Tracy, the friend I mentioned before, who is a nurse practitioner who recommended I get these wild lymph nodes checked out was with me both days. She has been such a good friend and doctor. Explaining all the newness and unknowns - I am so thankful for friends and family right now!

So far I feel a little exhausted, but mostly just from the adrenaline rush that has been the last 20 days since diagnosis.

I'm on anti-viral meds, I am stock piled with antibiotics to take should I get the first sign of any illness, and I'm on strict instructions to stay away from anyone even with the sniffles. He told me to not be around any children. I raised my hand and said, "well, I have one... so there's that!" He told me 8 years old is much better than a 1 year old in daycare.

Expectations: I am able to work out if I feel like it (#purebarrelife), I'm able to travel (only in the US), I'm able to carry on as normally as I feel like. He said a few days after the treatment each month is when my immune system will be at its lowest and when I should feel the most fatigue. I am stock piled with anti-nausea pills as well. He does not expect that I will lose my hair, but he was careful to make sure I understand that everyone reacts differently. Obviously, if I need to lose my hair to get better - we are on board!

Currently the most uncomfort I have is from a very swollen, sore arm from IV's x 2 days. So I'm trying my best to take it easy. Which is hard for me! I want to be at Pure Barre with all my soul. Maybe tomorrow, maybe next week, who knows. I'm going to listen to my body and take it easy - I'm determined. But its hard - cancer picked the wrong person!


  1. <3 You are a superstar! Truly the cutest girl in the infusion room!!!

  2. Heidi, I just want you to know you have been in my mind so much and I have you in my prayers, but I KNOW you are gonna be just fine and like you said, Cancer picked the wrong damn girl to mess with!!! You have so many people that love you!!!

  3. You've got this and I will be here with you through it all. Love you!!

  4. Thinking of you sweet lady. I'm cheering you on. :)

  5. Heidi, I am praying for you. I completely understand the thought process of "it couldn't happen to me" - I think we all do that, so yours is a case of constant reminder that It truly doesn't care who you are or how healthy you are. I am so incredibly sad that you are going through this, and I'm keeping you in my prayers.

  6. Heidi, you've been in my thoughts and prayers ever since I saw your post of FB. You are the epitome of good health so I know your body and spirit can fight this. You are such an inspiration! Hang in there and know there are people near and far prayering for you and loving you!!

  7. Thank you for sharing your journey!!! You are in out thoughts and prayers!

  8. You've got this and I will be here with you through it all. Love you!!
