Friday, May 13, 2016

May 13, 2016 - some results from MD Anderson

Lyn, Dr. Burger's Nurse Practitioner with MD Anderson, emailed me today. They do NOT have the mutational status of my CLL just yet. What they do know so far:

  • FISH test is negative - which is good. This means there are no cytogenetic abnormalities detected (like deletion 13, deletion 17) with my CLL.
  • I still do have some CLL in my bone marrow. They said a "small amount" which is probably because I have had one round of chemo. 
  • The somatic hypermutation (IgVH) is still pending - the mutational status. 
  • ZAP 70 is positive - which is a "higher risk feature." This is a marker on the cell which may be associated with more aggressive disease. 
Dr. Burger is currently out and returns next week. The nurse practitioner will consult with him and let me know a treatment plan once he returns. 

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