Saturday, September 7, 2019

September 5, 2019 - Call It What You Want

I received all my test results yesterday from my August 22-23 appointments. There was nothing remarkable found from all the bloodwork—meaning I didn’t have some crazy virus or something that caused all the immediate painful node swelling. {I had a feeling this was the case, and it’s good news!!}

The most interesting (read: disappointing) thing found was that there is 54% CLL in my bone marrow. At diagnosis, I had 30%. I was heartbroken to find that after over 2 years of treatment, the amount of CLL in my marrow has increased. 

However, I did learn that Imbruvica is good at maintaining the disease. It is not great at driving it out of the marrow. 

I will go back to Houston November 7 to hopefully discuss switching meds... to one that can *possibly* achieve a real remission. And I’m hoping for a careful, methodical plan for getting me off Imbruvica {unlike last time}. I’d very much like to avoid that situation again entirely. 🀞🏼🀞🏼🀞🏼

Here’s a recent Pure Barre headshot to commemorate that I’m feeling 100% again!!! And I’ll be back on the mic this week teaching class. I can’t wait!

So as T. Swift would say, “call it what you want.” I don’t know if all of this is good, if all of this is bad, or if it’s in between. I think it’s a mixture of all. 