Monday, April 17, 2017

April 17, 2017 - the only thing that remains the same is that everything changes

I've learned to never settle into thinking things will remain as they are. I'm sure you have too. That's what life is all about! Change is the one thing we can count on. 
While enjoying remission (enjoying it 100% above in Big Sky, Montana last month) I started to find swollen lymph nodes in my neck. The nodes were swollen to a size I haven't seen since my diagnosis. I had several sinus infections over the last few months, so my doctors (and I!!!) truly hoped it was because of that. Infection usually = swollen lymph nodes. It's what they are supposed to do in this case; it's their job. 

I had a sinus CT last week showing no infection *neat* 😞 - that's not what we love to hear. I contacted my team at MD Anderson who said the swollen nodes may be related to CLL, and I should come back sooner than my next scheduled appointment in August. So I will be returning toward the end of May.

I feel fine. But I always have. I will keep you posted. Thank you again for loving me as this dark cloud (aka leukemia) follows me. For now, I am going to enjoy LIFE!